Smart Manufacturing
Digital Transformation
Digital Twin/Digital Thread
Business Process Automation
Production Process Management

Require a Product Driven Operations Information System

Production Process Management is a new way to optimize information management associated with each step in your routing/execution environment. This short overview will provide a high level view of the advantages of PPM and what it could look like in your facility.

This short article outlines how managing your production orders using a Digital Thread focus can dramatically improve your outcomes. This new way of viewing your operations environment is focused on supporting steps of production using your current information and Digital Thread resources.

This whitepaper outlines what Digital Thread can do for you. Digital Thread describes the concept of building and maintaining the digital history across the life of the product through engineering design, production/supply chain, and customer use.
CSI provides a full array of services that range from helping to identify business worthy information system applications and setting strategic objectives through specification development, system implementation and user training.
Provide the full project management team or be an advisory member of your team
Strategic Overview

Senior Executive Briefings

System Opportunity Assessment

Our role is to provide guidance and support as a team member or team leader
The mission of Collaboration Synergies Incorporated (CSI) is to assist our clients in the identification, development and deployment of team-centered Production Process Management™ and Digital Thread initiatives. Our role is to provide guidance and support as a team member or team leader to identify opportunities and assist in the development and implementation of information initiatives to meet our client’s objectives.Why CSI?
Unlike our costly competitors, CSI is affordable and efficient.
No old school practices here. CSI is innovative and always looking to improve processes in innovative ways.
Customer Focused
Our focus is on improving your manufacturing information environment, not on selling software.